Authentische Heideterrier
von der Lönsmeute
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Hier wollen wir Ihnen den norddeutschen Schwarzwildprofi, den Heideterrier,vorstellen.
Es gibt viel Halbwissen, viele Gerüchte und viele Geschichten, die sich um diesen herrlichen Hundetyp Heideterrier ranken.
Doch nur wenige sind mit dem Heideterrier tatsächlich schon
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Heideterrier-Zucht "von der Lönsmeute" und
Jagdservice: Saumeute / Hundemeute
Tel.: 05167/345
Mobil & WhatsApp: +49/1795126530
English Discription / Everything you have to know about the authentic Heideterrier
Heideterrier Standard, History & Discription
Preface: Here, you will find the breed description of the Heide Terrier. This website is intended to give visitors insight into the Heideterrier dog type, to break down some prejudices, and to provide information in a compact but well-founded manner. We also present current Heideterrier litters here from time to time. But primarily, it is about information for interested visitors to our site. But I must point out in advance that our Heideterrier page on Facebook is updated more regularly than our homepage here. We welcome anyone interested in the Heideterrier. At the same time, the Heideterrier is a working dog. A working dog belongs in the hands of hunters and committed dog handlers! It's too good to slide on the sofa or guard the trunk of an off-road vehicle.
Breed Description: Heideterrier is the actual wild boar specialist. The history of the Heideterrier began roughly 50 years ago (1971). The idea of the heath terrier emerged from pure practice. Some men from Lower Saxony sought a suitable dashing specialist for sow hunting. The dog should have heart, mind, and toughness. The males are the fathers of the Heideterrier Karl Heinz Markoff and Hans Werner Jahnke. Both had previously hunted with terriers (German Hunting Terriers (DJT) and Fox Terriers) suitable for wild boar hunting, but these breeds were not yet what they hoped for wild boar hunting. What properties were you looking for? We were looking for a dog slightly larger than a hunting or fox terrier to hunt persistently and effectively, even in rugged terrain. A terrier is not prone to being overexcited, hectic, or falsely aggressive. A dog with enough courage and toughness to securely bind a welded sow and not just bark at a distance. A dog that always maintains contact with its handler when hunting.
A robust terrier with hunting skills and the necessary inner peace that many other terriers often lack. Since no dog breed could fully meet these requirements, hybrid breeding began. The basis was and still is the German Hunting Terrier. Well-bred and track-loud DJTs were crossed with Airedale Terriers suitable for hunting. This crossbreed is the dominant component in the Heideterrier. To bring even more calm and toughness into the dogs, some hunting-tested "Hunting Bull breed blood" was also allowed to flow into the Heideterrier. This resulted in a dog type ranging from the oversized hunting terrier to the small Airedale type. This cross-product was then bred more or less pure over many years.
Initially, the Heideterrier was designed as a working dog, specifically for sow hunting, and was intended purely for practitioners. Today, you often see advertisements in the relevant hunting press where Heideterrier is advertised without the dogs being offered. They are real Heideterriers (of course, this doesn't apply to everyone!). Everything mixed with a hunting terrier (DJT) is advertised as a Heideterrier to benefit from the excellent reputation of the real Heideterrier. Some may interject that the word would be entirely inappropriate for the Heideterrier, as it is a "used cross." I can even understand this to a certain point. Still, for me, it is no justification to call every mixed breed a Heideterrier without it even coming from the region or the genetic pool of the founders. Indeed, the Heideterrier cannot be described as a genuinely pure breed in the sense of the JGHV, but it is by no means a plain hybrid. The true Heideterrier has always been bred according to the system and bloodlines of its founders. And only such Heideterriers can be considered authentic. In order not to allow excessive inbreeding, some foreign blood is added from time to time, taking into account the basic idea (the guideline, so to speak). This is not only justified but also absolutely correct and even necessary from a cynical point of view.
History :
I consciously experienced the Heideterrier (who comes from our region) as a young "boy." At that time, Hans Werner Jahnke was a guest in our hunting ground with his driven hunt pack / Saumeute (composed almost exclusively of Heideterriers). Even back then, I was thrilled by the work of these dashing dogs. Admittedly, at first, I thought they were oversized DJTs. As I only realized much later, Hans Werner was one of the most important key figures and the true pioneer of the Heideterrier. I consider him one of the greatest dog experts, and it has been a pleasure to meet him in my life so far (which has been predominantly dominated by dogs). Today, I can say with joy and pride that Hans Werner Jahnke is one of my friends. The Lönsmeute and how it all began: I was automatically introduced to hunting in general, so to speak, through my father, Prof. Dr. Dr. Pohlmeyer, who is known to be a renowned wildlife researcher and passionate hunter. Since I was very fond of the subject of dogs and especially the management of working dogs from an early age, it naturally made sense that I led and coordinated the hunting dogs used as "walkers" on our driven hunts. Many years ago, I put together a so-called "small pack" consisting of 4 to 5 sow dogs, which I led to drive hunts for sows in our region. Because I liked and enjoyed this active and traditional hunting, I assembled a professionally driven hunt pack. For an effective and professional dog pack, you need a few more dogs, and the composition of the different dog characters must be tried and tested and well thought out. Through years of experience, during which I have learned many lessons, I have now succeeded in developing a pack structure with a rarely high level of fairness and effectiveness. In the beginning, I worked with German pointers, fox terriers, and German hunting terriers that I have bred, and of course, I also looked over the fence with all the pointing dog breeds. But there were simply no real specialists in sow hunting. Not one. Then I remembered that this one terrier, the Heideterrier, was intended to be a pure specialist. Karl Heinz Markoff had already died a long time ago, and my friend Hans Werner Jahnke had also given up his pack a long time ago and was only concentrating on protection and service dogs when it came to dogs. However, it was relatively easy to research (with a little help). who still had real Heide Terriers that went directly back to dogs from Markhoff. Hans Werner also still had, let's say, 'entitlements' to certain dogs. However, the general number of Heideterriers was so small that this dog breed was almost extinct. Because of this, I bought up all the available Heideterriers that met my essential criteria and began systematically breeding these fabulous hunting dogs. After a few years of selective breeding, we again had a stable and not overly inbred line of productive and hereditarily stable Heideterriers. Nowadays, descendants of our "Lönsmeute Heideterriers" can be found throughout Europe and worldwide, such as in Asia and North America. After a very short period, I had already bred more litters of Heideterriers than this hunting dog breed's original inventors. With our presence on countless driven hunts, in specialist books, in newspaper reports, and, of course, on the Internet, we triggered a (not necessarily intentional) 'hype.' So suddenly, an incredible number of interested parties became aware of the Heideterrier in general again. Suddenly, advertising and sales advertisements for heather terriers appeared almost explosively everywhere. The Heideterrier population can rightly be described as absolutely secure. Apart from the negative appearance of some treadmill riders, this is a positive summary of the current status of the Heideterrier. When selecting the Heideterrier, my focus was on the following characteristics: - Pack suitability -Social compatibility -absolute wild boar sharpness -pronounced grip behavior -angled handle positioning - track sound (track sound) -extremely inhibited tendency to fall asleep -diligent browsing -good sense of reorientation -hunt within the handler's radius -Shot resistance -Water joy -Resilience -Hardness -Robustness -Suitability for families and peace in everyday life All of our breeding dogs are rigorously tested in real hunting situations. They are also checked alone outside of the pack for rough sows. Our matings promise loud, tough, and fierce dogs in the strong Heideterrier type. Our driven hunt pack, known everywhere as the "Lönsmeute," consists of many Heideterriers. In the last 15 years, our pack has developed such a solid position that one can rightly speak of one of the most successful German dog packs. The parents of our Heideterrier puppies are tested hunting dogs that have passed hunting dog and usability tests. They browse diligently, hunt loudly, hunt in the vicinity of the handler, hunt passionately and dashingly, have a high degree of hardness and a pronounced grip on sows, and show no tendency to fall asleep. They are almost perfect hunting dogs, with a lot of grit, for the constant handler (who carries a woad leaf on his belt). Even outside of hunting, the dogs have strong temperaments and are completely suitable for families. We regularly have Heideterrier puppies with both smooth and rough hair types. Puppies are handed over from 8 weeks of age (vaccinated, chipped, dewormed, registered with the breeding book office, and provided with an EU passport). It is, of course, possible to see the Heideterrier puppies beforehand. The puppies receive official papers (IGJV pedigree). You are welcome to look at our adult Heideterriers live without obligation after making an appointment in advance. We even currently have Heideterrier puppies: Authentic Heideterriers from old lines. Location: Lüneburg Heide (Walsrode/Westenholz). It was found in the old hunting grounds of the heath poet and hunting author Hermann Löns.' All of our dogs are rigorously tested in real hunting situations. Our matings promise loud, tough, and fierce on a hunt. Even outside of hunting, the dogs have strong temperaments and are completely suitable for families. Black and red puppies, hair type smooth and wire-haired.
Origin/Distribution: The cradle of the Heideterrier is clearly in Lower Saxony. It was forged in the Lüneburg Heide (Heath), specifically in the heathlands of the Rheinmetall arms company and in the large NATO military training area, precisely in the region where his hometown is today. Although this hunting dog was a strictly regional creation and the population of the Heideterrier can be considered relatively small, it has achieved nationwide popularity among expert dog handlers. Even abroad, there is always a desire for authentic stock for wild boar hunting. The following framework information should also be understood as such. This description has served as a breed standard for years. However, there is no official FCI standard for the Heideterrier, although the list of breed key points here describes the authentic Heideterrier quite well. Its founders never aimed for a fixed breed standard or recognition as a modern dog breed by the FCI (Belgium), and this is probably rejected out of hand by all genuine Heideterrier breeders. The standard by which the reputable breeder is guided, and the breeding approval of a Heideterrier should be found, tested, and selected in practice, in actual use. Anything that doesn't work 100% has no place in breeding. It is not a breed of dog where the breeder can praise himself with seemingly theoretical tests and complicated point systems—but pure and genuine cynology in its most original form. Here, the breeder himself must be open, critical, and sustainable. Evaluate breeding material. Thank God there is no association or club on which the Heideterrier breeder can blame any mistakes or whose breeding regulations or statutes he can hide behind. It is pretty clear that at this point (which may sound a bit heretical), it must be added that it is not in the sense that a Heideterrier breeder can be denigrating another breed. From the beginning, it has never been in the breeding of the Heideterrier intended to compete with existing hunting dog breeds, let alone overtake them. It was and is simply about offering a pure wild boar specialist as a sensible addition to the small, full-purpose dogs. With some foresight and a little tolerance, nothing should stand in the way of peaceful coexistence between all hunting dogs!
Appearance and Anatomy: The Heideterrier must be fast and agile despite its strength. He should have suitable, expansive gear. They are firmly built, with straight legs, well-knuckled paws, and close-set toes. The pads should be closed, the so-called cat's paw. Dewclaws are common. The dentition should be solid and full of teeth. Scissors should be named as the bit position. The eyes should have a good, clean closure. The ears are usually worn as tipped ears, typical of terriers. There are wire-haired and short-haired breeds (even within one litter). The colors are red, black, black/red, Yellow, black/yellow, black with branding, and black heather terriers with brindle markings or branding, which can be described as typical. Since (as the founder of the Heideterrier, Karl Heinz Markhoff, never wanted) there is, or will ever be, a set breed standard, phenotypic differences in the Heideterrier occur occasionally.
Being & Character Traits Essence/character/characteristics: The authentic Heideterrier is neither overly sharp nor stupid but is a real sharp rabble-rouser who drives dashingly between the sows. A dog that also gets strong sows on their toes, and not just with them, little frogs are content. A Heideterrier binds sick pieces with a firm and calm grip. The grip behavior can be described as secure, persistent, firm, and peaceful, like a good catch dog. The sound varies in intensity; some terriers make a track sound, while others only make a visual sound. However, the Heideterrier should be able to hunt loudly. They have a strong passion without it becoming uncontrolled. Their nose performance, calmness, and concentration make them a first-class recovery dog. Physically, they are robust, rugged, and highly tolerant of pain. Despite their hardness, the Heideterrier is entirely devoted to his human pack (handler + family) and can sometimes appear soft and submissive. They are very willing and able to learn. Even though they were intended to be a pure wild boar specialist, they can work in other areas. The Heideterrier is generally very stable and has absolutely no nerves. They have a pronounced and stable social behavior; brawlers are undesirable!
Education & Selection Training and Exams: The Heideterrier is made for sow hunting. They thrive working with a capable dog handler and will develop into natural top-hunting dogs. Starting in puppyhood, you should take the Heideterrier with you as much as possible and allow them to follow along. If they build a (typically) good leader bond, hunting with them later will be an absolute pleasure in addition to sow hunting, which is in their blood or correctly expressed in their genes. They are also suitable for almost all other hunting tasks. Of course, you can train a Heideterrier to sweat or, for example, teach them to retrieve a duck from the water. The joy of water is particularly pronounced in the pure bloodlines. Their natural colors show when hunting wild boar. Whether corn hunts, winter-driven hunts, or use as a lottery dog or circling with the 'white lead dog,' he is predestined and will bring great joy to the committed dog handler. The Heideterrier is discriminated against by some associations and examiners (as it is not a JGHV breed), so it is often only admitted as a mixed breed in tests under JGHV judges. You can also complete your tests with the Heideterrier in the so-called dissidence clubs, with the registered hunting associations, or with the state forests to (e.g.) prove the legally relevant usability. The JGHV is not the only German club/association that tests dogs. The problem is that the general public in Germany still thinks that the VDH is some "state organization" instead of a regular private association. Nobody in Germany can force someone to support or even belong to a private club to be able to hunt legally!
VDH examination regulations are not above the law. The VDH is neither state nor semi-state or anything else in this category. Misinformation that the dog must have a JGHV pedigree is based purely on "club political ego nonsense." For example, the heather terriers from my breeding are all recorded in the studbook and handed over with official pedigrees (registered in the local court). The law does not stipulate that VDH (JGHV) associations can assume a monopoly position. This would also be entirely against any democratic principle of equality.
The standard by which the reputable breeder is guided, and the breeding approval of a Heideterrier should be found, tested, and selected in actual use. Anything that doesn't work 100% has no place in breeding. It is not a breed of dog where the breeder can praise himself with seemingly theoretical tests and complicated point systems—pure and genuine cynology in its most original form. The breeder must openly, critically, and sustainably evaluate his breeding material. There is no association or club on which the Heideterrier breeder can blame any mistakes or whose breeding regulations or statutes he can hide behind. It must be clearly stated at this point (which may sound somewhat skeptical) that it cannot be in the interests of a Heideterrier breeder to denigrate other breeds. From the beginning, when breeding the Heideterrier, it was never intended to compete with existing hunting dog breeds, let alone overtake them. It was and is simply about offering a pure wild boar specialist as a sensible addition to the small, full-purpose dogs. With some foresight and a little tolerance, nothing should stand in the way of peaceful coexistence between all hunting dogs.
The Problem with Freeloaders: The most significant burden that the Heideterrier has to bear these days is the massive abuse of names, which has reached monstrous proportions in recent years. Everything that has been bred in any way with a German Hunting Terrier (DJT) is suddenly advertised as a "Heideterrier." This is simply a case of pure label fraud. I assume that not even 30% of the dogs passed off as Heideterriers are true. Today, some mixed breed breeders incorrectly assume that their dogs can be called Heideterriers, even though they are not even related to the dogs of the founders of this beautiful "breed." They are often the wildest cross-breed products that are not even related to dogs from the Lüneburg Heide (Lüneburger Heath). It is also an internet misconception that you can breed any modern Airedale Terrier with a modern DJT, and the puppies that result from this pairing are real Heaideterriers. They might look like this, but nothing more. (Similarly, you cannot assume, for example, that you will breed a modern poodle with a modern pointer and get actual poodle pointers from this). The Heideterrier remains a regional hunting breed from the Lüneburg Heath. Breeders of terrier hybrids from various federal states would be better off not using the name of the Lower Saxony Heideterrier; then, there would be less confusion about the Heideterrier nationwide. A foreign and not your breed name such as, e.g., "Brandenburg Hunting, Sports and Fun Terrier," "Saxon Pig Terrier," "Badenwürt Sauterrier" or "Märkischer Bull & Allround Terrier," or "Mecklenburger Saupacker" or similar? -(Of course, this is not aimed at hunting dog breeders who, for example, have "imported" both parents based on old lines from the Lüneburg Heath). To preserve the Lower Saxony Heideterrier's function and origin and guard against inbreeding depression, it must be bred with expertise and care. Cross-breeding dogs with foreign blood in the same loft to refresh the blood must be tolerated now and then. This fact should never lead to the presentation of Heideterriers with no old blood or the majority not coming from these Lüneburg Heath lines.
Conclusion: The authentic Heideterrier is suitable for all dog handlers looking for a terrier that is not prone to being hectic or nervous. Who is looking for a reliable lottery dog (protective companion) for their bloodhound? Who is looking for a stable, leader-oriented, and passionate hunting companion? The Heideterrier will persevere and stand up when things get dangerous. They are socially acceptable terriers who don't constantly argue with other dogs. The Heideterrier is a dog with a confident bark but not one who will make meaningless hunting noises. They are desperate for a challenge and a lovable hunting dog for wild boar hunting. They are not dogs who should fit into every den and show little interest in falling asleep. Many of the traditional terrier breeds seem too small, too aggressive, or too excited. The Heideterrier is a driven hunting dog who reliably finds the sows but maintains good contact with his handler. They are manageable, stable, and highly trainable dogs (The HT now has successful VPG and explosive detection dogs). Due to our rigorous focus on breeding, the Heideterrier is also great for everyday use in private life (in the hunting-rest phases) and a house and family dog. They are a loving and loyal companion.
wrote by
Arne Pohlmeyer
(big thanks for translation goes out to Josh Neff from The USA)
Puppies / Litters
The pionier Heideterrier kennel "von der Lönsmeute"
have actual available puppies and planed litters.
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WhatsApp: +49/1795126530